Dr Gopinathi is a Consultant Anaethetist practicing for nearly 22 years. Dr Gopinathi’s NHS base is Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Essex. Within the private medical sector Dr Gopinathi has practice privileges at various hospitals in the Essex and Hertford areas.
Testes & Scrotal Clinic
Some of the information provided contains graphic, medical images which individuals may find upsetting.
As with any other part of the body, there are a range of conditions that can affect the testes and scrotum. Social stigma, as well as plain old embarrassment can cause delays in seeking help, and turn what could be an easy treatment into something far more serious.
Common conditions in children include:
- Undescended testis: (Testis normally develops inside the tummy and drops down into scrotum at birth. It can remain high up along the path) If the testis has not descended by six months of age it will require surgical correction to bring it down into scrotum and suture in place.
- Hydrocele: fluid around the testicle is another common totally harmless condition. If it has not resolved and is increasing in size, may require surgical correction
Common conditions in Adults:
- Cysts arising from the Epididymis: presence as a soft lump located above all behind testes. Surgery is indicated only if a large cyst is causing discomfort
- Hydrocele – fluid around the testes. Curative treatment is by surgery to drain the fluid and remove the sac that contains the fluid.
- Varicocoel – cluster of veins, that feels like a bag of worms, usually in the left scrotum. If large and is causing discomfort, it can be treated by embolisation as an outpatient procedure. Nowadays surgery is reserved for recurrent cases
- Testicular tumour: this may present as painless lump in the body of the testes that enlarges in size. They’ve may or may not be any discomfort. The common age group is 15- 40 years. It is essential to carry out regular self-examination is to identify the problem early, so it can be cured. Blood tests may be helpful and an ultrasound scan is confirmatory in most cases. Initial treatment involves removing the testes with subsequent radiotherapy/chemotherapy
Further testes and scrotal related information
Please see below links to information leaflets from the British Association of Urological Surgeons, on procedures for testicular conditions and preventive measures
- Biopsy of testis ± storage of tissue
- Embolisation (radiological) of a varicocele
- Exploration for suspected torsion of the testis
- Fixation of one (or both) retractile testicle(s)
- Insertion of an artificial testis (prosthesis)
- Laparoscopic clipping/tying of a varicocele
- Open clipping/tying of a varicocele
- Orchidopexy for an undescended testis
- Removal of a cyst from the epididymis
- Removal of part or all of an epididymis
- Repair of a congenital hydrocele/hernia
- Repair of an adult hydrocele
- Simple (scrotal) removal of a testis ± silicone implant
- Vasectomy
- Vasectomy reversal
Your Award-Winning Healthcare Team
Providing state of the art surgical and medical treatment of diseases of the genito-urinary system affecting men, women and children.
Dr. Venkat Shenoy
The profile for Dr. Venkat Shenoy is currently being updated. We thank you for being patient in this time.
Mr. Bernard Potluri
Our Surgeon
All your services will be personally provided by Mr Potluri and his dedicated team.
Mr Bernard Potluri qualified with a MB BS in 1977. He then obtained masters in general surgery in 1981 and was elected Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1989. Mr Potluri gained a diploma in urology from the Institute of Urology and University College, London in 1991.