Dr Gopinathi is a Consultant Anaethetist practicing for nearly 22 years. Dr Gopinathi’s NHS base is Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Essex. Within the private medical sector Dr Gopinathi has practice privileges at various hospitals in the Essex and Hertford areas. Her special interests are controlled monitored sedation for plastic surgery and general anaesthesia for major plastic surgery. She also anaesthetises for various other specialities including ophthalmology, ENT surgery, urology, gynaecology, orthopaedic, trauma and emergency surgery. Dr Gopinathi has also obtained specialist training as an obstetric anaesthetist and more recently extends her special interests to acute and chronic pain control and acupuncture.
Dr Gopinathi trains and teaches medical and nursing students as well as operating department practitioners.
In her free time Dr Gopinathi practices yoga and meditation and her hobbies are gardening, mountain climbing, trekking, music and cooking.